Top Ten Angularjs Interview Questions You Must Prepare In 2022

Top 10 AngularJS Interview Questions You Must Ask In 2022

AngularJS is one of the pertinent languages with rich features and great technicalities. However, if you are going to hire an AngularJs developer then here is the list of questions you must ask them. Use the mentioned AngularJS interview questions to help practice or test a developer’s understanding of this popular JavaScript framework, developed by Google.

Apart from these questions, if you need to review what things to mention in the Angular developer job description, you can refer to these Angular developer skills.

Let’s jump in!

Beginner AngularJS interview questions

Every AngularJS development company should ask these Angular interview questions and answers to the Angular developer beginners-

1. What is Angular?

An open-source front-end web framework. One of the most well-liked JavaScript frameworks, it is primarily supported by Google. It offers a framework for simple online application creation and gives front-end developers the ability to curate cross-platform applications. It incorporates strong features that make the development process easier, like declarative templates, an end-to-end tools system, dependency injection, and numerous other best practices. 

2. What are the advantages of using Angular?

Here are a few advantages of the AngularJS framework-

  • It supports two-way data-binding
  • It follows the MVC pattern architecture
  • It supports static templates and Angular template
  • You can add a custom directive
  • It also supports RESTfull services
  • Validations are supported
  • Client and server communication is facilitated
  • Support for dependency injection
  • Has strong features like Event Handlers, Animation, etc.

3. What is Angular mainly used for?

Angular is used to build Single Page Applications or SPAs. A collection of ready-to-use modules from Angular make the creation of single-page applications much easier. Additionally, Angular is regarded as a complete web framework because of features like built-in data streaming, type safety, and a modular CLI.

4. Explain MVC in reference to angular

In an MVC-based framework, the Angular model holds the data for the controller, the controller holds the logic for the view, and the view is the HTML that shows the data. A $scope can be thought of as a model, whereas HTML displays the value of the scope variable and angular controller functions modify the $scope.

5. Name a few inbuilt angular filters

Currency, lowercase, uppercase, number, and date are a few inbuilt angular filters.


6. What is the difference between ng-if and ng-show?

If the given condition is not met, ng-if does not render the piece of the DOM element with which it is related, whereas ng-show renders the DOM element but sets its CSS property of display to none.

7. What are directives in Angular?

The directive is a key component of Angular. Their properties let you create new HTML syntax unique to your application. They are functions that the Angular compiler calls when it fixes them in the DOM. The Angular directives are divided into three categories:

  • Component Directives
  • Structural Directives
  • Attribute Directives

8. How does one share data between components in Angular?

Data Sharing Between Angular Components

  • Parent to Child: via Input
  • Child to Parent: via Output() and EventEmitter
  • Child to Parent: via ViewChild
  • Unrelated Components: via a Service

Related- Look at this article to learn everything related to the hiring of an Angular developer.

9. What is the purpose of $rootScope?

$rootScope helps in communication between different controllers of an application. AngularJS can have only one rootScope for an app.

10. What is ng-init used for?

Ng-init is used in a scenario where we want some action to be done before the initialization of a portion of the DOM element.

11. What is the service in AngularJS used for?

Services in AngularJS are objects which are used to communicate within entire applications.

app.service('sharedData', function () {

 //methods to get and set variable


12. Write down the syntax of creating a new date object

The syntax for creating new data object

$scope.newDate=new Date();

13. List down the ways in which you can communicate between application modules using core Angular functionality

Here are the general ways for communicating between application modules using core Angular functionality:

  • Using events
  • Using services
  • By assigning models on $rootScope
  • Directly between controllers [$parent, $$childHead, $$nextSibling, etc.]
  • Directly between controllers [ControllerAs, or other forms of inheritance]

14. What are the different types of filters in Angular?

Here are the various filters supported by Angular:

  • currency: Format a number into a currency format.
  • date: Format a date to a specified format.
  • filter: Select a subset of items from an array.
  • json: Format an object to a JSON string.
  • limit: To Limit an array/string, into a specified number of elements/characters.
  • lowercase: Format a string to lowercase.
  • number: Format a number to a string.
  • orderBy: Orders an array by an expression.
  • uppercase: Format a string to the upper case

15. What are events in Angular?

The events directive in Angular is used to customize the behavior of various DOM events. The following are a few of the events that Angular supports:

  • ng-click
  • ng-copy
  • ng-cut
  • ng-dblclick
  • ng-keydown
  • ng-keypress
  • ng-keyup
  • ng-mousedown
  • ng-mouseenter
  • ng-mouseleave
  • ng-mousemove
  • ng-mouseover
  • ng-mouseup
  • ng-blur

Final thoughts

Hope these Angular interview questions and answers helped you find a better Angular developer. Angular JS interview questions are a good place to examine the right Angular developer in the web development industry. Check out these AngularJS interview questions and answers to find out about the dedicated Angular developer.

Additionally, you may find us on LinkedIn to get better insights on web development-related updates.


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